Tuesday, February 27, 2007

31/365 keeping up

we have a pedometer challenge going on at TCU right now. Faculty/staff sign up by department to participate. We wear these pedometers for 8 weeks and record our steps each week. The group that has the most wins something. I'm not sure. Regardless, it's part of a wellness program. I'm not too into working out or anything, but this does help me think about how active I am. I sit at a computer for most of my day/night. It's nice to remind myself to get up and walk around. Any activity is better than nothing, I suppose. Now if only I had remembered to wear my pedometer Fri-Sunday. oops.

I walked almost 10,000 steps on day 31. YAY!

1 comment:

Billie said...

I'm doing this, too. I don't walk as much as I need to, but know how much (or little) I'm doing encourages me to do more!